SME Loan Calculator

10k 1L 2L 3L 4L 5L 6L 7L 8L 9L 10L
14 Months
4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
1.49% 1.59% 1.69% 1.79% 1.89% 1.99%
Loan Details
Rate of interest 1.49% per month
Repayment amount ₹2,24,000
Daily installment (EDI) ₹399
No. of EDIs
(No EDI on Sunday)

Results generated by the calculator(s) are indicative in nature. Trillionloans Fintech Pvt Ltd (“Trillion”) does not guarantee accuracy, undertaking, or completeness of any information provided therein. The calculator(s) are only a tool that assist the users arrive at results of various illustrative scenarios generated from data input from the user, and are not intended to provide its users with any results that are either certified by Trillion or financial advice by Trillion under any circumstances. The user should exercise caution prior to taking any decision based on the use of this information. The interest rate applied on the loan will depend on the prevailing rates at the time of loan booking/ approval. Trillion is not responsible for any errors in the outcome arising from the use of this calculator.